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Airway Stenosis Surgery in Bangalore


Airway stenosis surgery is a specialized procedure aimed at treating narrowing or blockage of the airway, which can occur due to various reasons such as scarring, inflammation, trauma, tumors, or congenital anomalies. Airway stenosis can lead to breathing difficulties, shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, and reduced oxygen intake. Airway stenosis surgery involves techniques to widen or reconstruct the narrowed airway, restoring normal airflow and improving respiratory function.

The surgical approach for airway stenosis depends on the location, severity, and underlying cause of the narrowing. Common techniques used in airway stenosis surgery include endoscopic procedures, tracheal resection and reconstruction, laryngotracheal reconstruction, and placement of stents or dilating devices. Endoscopic procedures involve using specialized instruments and a flexible endoscope to remove scar tissue, open up narrowed segments, or place stents to keep the airway patent. Tracheal resection and reconstruction may be necessary for longer segments of stenosis, involving removal of the narrowed portion of the trachea (windpipe) followed by rejoining the healthy ends to create a wider airway.

Airway stenosis surgery requires a multidisciplinary approach involving otolaryngologists (ear, nose, and throat specialists), thoracic surgeons, pulmonologists, and anesthesiologists. Preoperative evaluation includes thorough imaging studies such as CT scans or bronchoscopy to assess the extent and location of stenosis. Surgical planning involves determining the most appropriate technique to address the stenosis while minimizing complications and preserving normal airway function. Postoperative care includes monitoring for airway patency, managing pain, ensuring adequate ventilation, and providing rehabilitation as needed to optimize recovery and improve quality of life for patients with airway stenosis.


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