Minimally Invasive Ear Surgery: A Game Changer for Treating Ear Conditions

Explore the transformative benefits of minimally invasive ear surgery for treating various ear conditions. Discover how this innovative technique is revolutionizing ear condition treatment. Consult with our experts for personalized care and effective solutions.
The anatomy of the parotid gland – exploring it’ s importance in surgical procedures

INTRODUCTION There are 3 pairs of large salivary glands– Parotid, submandibular, sublingual Several minor salivary glands located in the palate, cheek, lips, tongue. PAROTID GLAND RELATIONS CONTENTS FACIAL NERVE In conclusion, parotid surgery is a significant medical intervention. By understanding the complex anatomy, reasons for surgery, potential risks and complications and recovery process, you can […]

Covid has taken over the normalcy of life. Working from home has become the new normal. With this, the use of earphones/ headphones has increased drastically and everyone wants to know what exactly is noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). Ear problems from noise Noise-induced hearing loss is caused by being around loud noises over a long […]